From: surfer11 []
Sent: 27 November 2004 23:59
Subject: My letter to HL Hoeh
I thought that this titbit would be of interest to you:
In my letter dated 10 Sept 2003 I stated my concerns to Dr Hoeh
"that your revised Compendium and other research you have undertaken over the years (eg on the Hebrew Calendar, time of the Crucifixion, prophecy etc) may not ever be published or distributed. So, I was wondering if you have any plans for publishing or distributing your research at all.


I recall Garth Wardrop years ago, and am still trying to find his books that were supposed to be published after he died about 1988, to no avail. Another contact of mine also died with his research becoming lost."

[btw I wrote similarly to Raymond F McNair on 3 October 2003 of my concerns


"that your book and other research you have undertaken over the years may not ever be published or distributed.

So, I was wondering if you have any plans for publishing or distributing your research at all.


I recall Garth Wardrop years ago, and am still trying to find his books that were supposed to be published after

he died about 1988, to no avail. Another contact of mine also died with his research becoming lost."


Mr McNair subsequently gave me the go-ahead to have his book typed. Some time prior to that a friend very

kindly scanned his entire manuscript. I was able to garner the assistance of many fine Christians to type it up

into Word].

In a couple of telephone conversations with me, Hoeh said that his revised Compendium and other works would 'very definitely' be published. I was loathe to ask if that would be soon or post-humously because I didn't have a good feeling about it. I can only assume that his family will preserve his library as a single unit and arrange publication of his works, papers and notes either in book form or via the internet. It is said that his library contains 10,000 works (others say it contains 20,000).


I recall back in about 1977 that Triumph Publishers were to publish Dr Hoeh's revised Compendium as well as Mr McNair's thesis on 'Key to Northwest European Origins' under the title of 'In Search of ... the lost 10 tribes of Israel'. I don't know whatever happened to those manuscripts.


The original edition of my book was titled "Lost Races of the Ancient World - discovered at last!" In fact, the contract was signed in 1984 or 1985 and Dr Hoeh personally approved of the book after reviewing it although he had little input into its contents. (My schooling forces me to write and reference in a different way to him.) That did not stop the heated jealousy of one minister doing all he could to attempt to drive me out of the Church due to the book! What happened was that a deacon from my church area happened to travel interstate and bump into my typist. She mentioned the book to him which commenced a fury and jealousy that was almost beyond belief (my diary is full of the amazing details). Frightened members came to me to reveal the incredible intrigue and list of accusations being spread and spread - all because of a book.


When the minister called me in and berated and brow-beat me for a long time, I then showed him the letter from Dr Hoeh. He then backed down, but within weeks commenced a horrible campaign against me.


In any event, in 1998 Dr Hoeh told me that he had further evidence for the Assyrian origin of the Germans which he would send me - alas, this information never arrived. He also had further proofs for a Wednesday crucifixion and other information he said he would send to me.


About 1995 and 1996 he revealed to me that Mike Feazell was running down my 'Origin of Nations' magazine at WCG meetings (apparently these were senior meetings). Yet Hoeh said he would continue to help the distribution of it quietly. He said he would also write articles for it - but none arrived - I can only assume that he was pre-occupied by other importan tasks at hand. Nevertheless, the lines of communication between us remained open and he subscribed to the magazine which he said he enjoyed and had on his desk.


The magazine is no longer being published (the mailing list was given to Yair Davidy - I felt that there was no point in duplicating efforts and that his magazine was a better alternative). However, all copies of the 'Origin of Nations' magazine may be found online at for free.


I have several projects before me: the first is to scan a precious old AC document with the permission of the author. The following one is to scan typed notes of Dr Hoeh's 1970s and 1980s lectures and a paper by him on Nebuchadnezzar. Today I found a typed notice that I inserted into this collection of papers which is dated as 8 May 1979. In summary I stated that Hoeh had revised his Compendium etc.


Finally, to assist those who would like to know a little more about Hoeh's Compendium, I quote the following letter from him to a WCG member and which I personally saw and copied (this is all verified by those that have spoken with Hoeh):


"Dear Dr Hoeh,


I heard recently that you have rewritten The Compendium of World History and that it is available in book stores. If this is so could you please let me have some information, so that I could purchase a copy.


Yours sincerely,


(dated 16 April 1982 )"


Dr Hoeh's response:


"Dear Mr (name withheld),


Your information is erroneous [re the availability in book stores]. I have edited some areas needing corrections - Egypt, Mesopotamia, Early Assyria, Hittites, archaeology, geology and the latter half of Exodus route (beginning after Sinai) [this would amend most of vol. I - Craig]. The Church at this moment has limited interest in understanding these matters so I am correcting only what is necessary for the Plain Truth, etc, as in Keith Stump's reference in the GN to the Israelites in slavery - Exodus 1443; Thutmose III beginning 1504; Flood 2325-2324; crossing Jordan 1403; Solomon 968-928.


Herman L. Hoeh"


You will find this revised thinking in the following articles:


Stump, K (1988) "Pharoahs of the time of the Exodus", GN, March-April


Stavrinides, K (1986) "The Home of Abraham", GN, June-July


Stump, K (1980) " The Stones Cry Out", GN, Dec


Stump, K (1982) " As Passover Approaches ... a New look at slavery in ancient Egypt",  GN, March


Hoeh, HL (1979) "The Revelations of Archaeology", GN, April


Hoeh, HL (1980) "A New look at Ezekiel's Prophecy on Tyre", GN, Dec


Hoeh, HL (1987) "A Sealed Prophecy", GN, Nov-Dec.


See also comments by Hoeh contained in the 19.1.86 Coworker Letter; some changes in the "Crucifixion was not on Friday"; some minor changes in "The US & Britain in Prophecy".


More following,

